Idag har det varit stralande vader, sa vi har varit ute med barnen nastan hela dagen. Vi bar ut madrasser de far sitta pa, och det maste vara sa skont for dem att fa ligga under ett trad och se pa himlen och lov an att ligga inne i det lilla rummet hela dagarna.
Idag fick jag halla lilla knytet Eloise for forsta gangen, hon som ar sa liten och for tidigt fodd. Bilden jag bifogat ar av henne taget i fredags, dagen hon kom till barnhemmet. Inte kan man tro att hon ar tva manader gammal. Den andra bilden ar jag och Yousay, flickan jag hade hand om i B-gruppen, men som fortfarande kommer till mig ibland.
Helgen har varit lugn, magsjuka lordag, Stina sov ocksa over hos Sean, och hon hade ocksa lite magsjuka, sa vi fick turas om pa toaletten bakom den frostade glasdorren med avslojande siluetter och bra eko. Greenpoint market var vi pa sondagen, dar jag inhandlade en stol och ett shackbord bla. Det var en harlig dag, men manga saljer samma saker, sa efter ett tag blev det lite langdraget.
Today it has been excellent weather, so we have been out with the kids almost all day. We carry out mattresses they get to sit on, and it has to be so nice for them to lie under a tree and watch the leaves and the sky than to lie in the little room all days.
Today I got to hold the little bundle Eloise for the first time, the one who is so small and premature. The picture I have added is of her, taken this Friday, the day she arrived at the orphanage. You wouldnt believe she is two months old. The o
The weekend has been calm, belly bug on Saturday, Stina who also spent the weekend at Seans place got it too, and we had to take turns on the toilet behind the frosted glass door with revealing silhuettes and a good echo. Greenpoint market on Sunday, where I bought a chair and a chesstable amongst other things. It was a lovely day, but many are selling the same things, so after a while it became a bit boring. The other picture is of me and Yousay, the other girl I was taking care of in group B, but she still comes to be sometimes.
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