Nu ar dagen har, dagen da jag ska flyga hem igen, och nu ska jag byta sommar mot vinter. Jag har haft en underbar resa, jag har lart mig massor, fatt manga nya vanner och manga vackra minnen.
Pa vagen till flygplatsen idag ska jag ge barnen det jag kopt ifran mina arbetskamrater Eivy och Anne-Marie, det blev en hel del for deras pengar som jag vet barnen kommer alska. Jag fragade forestandaren vad de helst ville ha, och de sa aktivitetstavlor till spjalsangarna, for de spenderar sa mycket tid i sina sangar, men det fanns inga i Athlone, och jag akte till the Waterfront och hittade endast tva stycken sadana, sa jag kopte andra saker ocksa som jag vet att de kommer ha kul med och saker de behover. Kopte aven:
~Tva par bekvama skor
~Tva pooler, perfekt for dem att leka i utanfor!
~Bollhavsbollar, att fylla en pool med inomhus kanske nar det ar vinter
~Ett paket blojor
~Sex forpackningar vatservetter, eftersom de anvander samma trasa till alla barnen att torka rumpor med
~ En vattenmugg (de har bara tva till alla) en extra bra som inte lacker.
~ Tre nya clips till handduksblojorna
Tack Eivy och Anne-Marie! Ni anar inte hur uppskattat det kommer bli! Jag hoppas ni tycker era pengar ar val spenderade.
Now the day has come, when I'm flying home again, and about to change summer for winter. I have had a wonderful trip, I've learnt so much, had many new friends and many beautiful memories.
On the way to the airport today I will give the children the things I bought from my work colleagues Eivy and Anne-Marie, there were many things their money gave and I know the children will love it. I asked the person running the orphanage what they most wanted, and she said activity boards for the cots, since they spend a lot of time in them, but I couldn't find any in Athlone, so I went to the waterfront and found two of them in a toyshop, there for I bought other things too that I know the children will have fun with and things they need. So I bought:
~ Two pairs of comfortable shoes
~ Two pools, ideal to have outside
~ Big bag of balls to have in the pool inside for the winter
~ A package of nappies
~ Six packages of wet wipes, because they use the same cloth to wipe all babies' bums with.
~ A water mug (they only have two for all of them) this is a good one that won't leak.
~ Three new clips for the towel nappies.
Thank you Eivy and Anne-Marie, you have no clue how appreciated this will be, I hope you feel your money is well spent.
söndag 26 oktober 2008
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