torsdag 8 maj 2008

Brudklänning / Wedding dress

~Idag har jag köpt min brudklänning!~

Passade också på för ett par dagar sedan att kolla tänderna hos tandläkaren, eftersom man ändå är borta ett tag. Kändes säkrare att fixa sådant här hemma innan jag åker. Man har ju hört skräckhistorier om tänder som pajar i flygplanet pga trycket. Lättskrämd? Nädå..

~Today I bought my wedding dress!~

Also went to the dentist a couple of days ago for a check up, since I´ll be gone for a while, and it feels more secure to do it here and before I leave. I´ve heard plenty of scary stories about teeth breaking in the aeroplane due to the pressure. Easy to scare?.. Not me..

1 kommentar:

Iccle One sa...

This blog is a great idea! I've NEVER heard of anyones teeth breaking in a plane from pressure, and I've been in various sized planes! It is however a good idea to get your teeth checked before going to another country, where the health service will be different - do make sure you have health insurance though, it's worth it.

Glad you've bought your wedding dress! Sorry I can't join you on the day, but I hope I get to see many pictures afterwards!!